viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Potato Cell

We "make" a cell with things that we find for our environment, assuming that the starting cell in half will average potato.The materials you use should be as original as possible
This activity aims to understand and identify the different cell organelles. 

Good job¡

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

We students sing Christmas

 The choir of the High School participated in the concert of carols organized by the Association of Directors of Choirs of Extremadura  (ADICOREDEX) to which the teacher Reyes Caballero  belongs. The choir consits of 35 students, twelve of them  belong to English bilingual section (1B).(Estefanía Cadena, Salma Chemsi, Mª Pilar Canchudo, Israel Cortés, José Luis Egea, Helena Gómez, Blanca Griñón, Carlota Leal, Jorge Moreno, Carmen Pérez y Adolfo Rosado).
The concert was held at the Palace of Congress and performed together with the choir of IES San Roque conducted by Sergio Fernandez. Two songs were intérpretes "December" from the movie Anastasia (Disney) and a carol "Sing Christmas" with original lyrics by students of Universal Literature IES San Roque and original music composed by Sergio Fernández.
You can see a video in the digital magazine  Doble B

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

All About Britain

“All About Britain” is a book the students of 1st ESO B are reading this year, it’s a book which tells us about the UK, the traditions, the meals, the royal family, famous people…
On the first chapter we made a tour around the most important castles, and we got to know their GHOSTS.

Elena Gata and Luis Bizarro have made a very interesting presentation. Here it is so all of you can know a little bit about GHOSTSin case you visit those beautiful places.


Students 1b attended the show "Veer-ginia" based on the play of "Peer Gynt", it is a version by Cristina de Frutos , (Joaquin Sama Award 2007) with music by Grieg, Thaikovsky, Strauss and Offenbach.
The protagonist is a girl who likes to sing and  flamenco dance.
They have assisted students from various High Schools and Colleges of Badajoz province and we enjoyed the live classical music, including participating in some fragments.
 It's a fun way to bring classical music to schools.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Music Week

We were surprised by our student Jorge Moreno of 1ºB when he turn up playing a saxophone with his sister at the library.  ¡Thank you very much!

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014


All the students in 1º B had to write a biography of David Villa, it was very important not to copy from Wikipedia, they should do it  simple and clear. This is what they wrote.

His full name is David Villa Sanchez, he hasn’t got a middle name but his nicknames are El Guaje and the Kid. Villa´s birthday is on 3rd December. He is a professional football player. He is famous for playing in FC Barcelona, Atlético de Madrid and Spain National Team.
Villa is from Langreo, Asturias (Spain). His father’s name is José Manuel Villa and his mother’s name is Dorita Sánchez. He hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. He is married with Patricia and they have two daughters and a son.

He is tall, thin and very funny!

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Review Frankenweenie

After watching the movie some students from 1º B and 2º B wrote a few sentences about the film and the main characters.

This is what Marina López and Elena Gata from 1º B said:
The film is in black and white and the characters aren’t beautiful. The boy has a little dog, Sparky and it’s his best friend. The boy’s name is Victor.
Victor is tall, thin, and has short hair. He has also got very big eyes. He is antisocial, serious and very intelligent. He loves science.
Sparky is Victor’s dog. He’s small and has got big ears and a long nose. He’s very funny and loves Victor.
Victor’s parents love Sparky too. They think that Victor hasn’t any human friends.
Edgar is another character, he is hunched, short and ugly. He’s terrible. Elsa has a dog, she is black.

Both Marina and Elena liked the film because it’s beautiful,amusing and funny, especially for the drawing of the characters.

And this is what Victoria Puente and Lorena Vélez  from 2º B wrote:
Victor lives with his parents in New Holland. He is the owner of a dog called Sparky but he died because a car hit him.
Victor has a new science teacher and they have to do a project for school. Victor gives life to Sparky by lightning.
Victor is very tall, thin, intelligent and nice. He is a clever and hardworking boy. He loves science.
Sparky is black and white, he is playful, friendly and very energetic.Elsa goes to school with Victor. She is a girl with big eyes and a small mouth. She is tall and thin. She is a tender, kind girl and very shy.

Victoria didn’t enjoy the film because she didn’t like the plot (argumento) , but Lorena really liked it because it’s an animated film and because she laughed a lot.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

UNIT 1: the Answer Key and Vocabulary extension

On  Friday the 7th we’ll have our first English test. It consists of  Starter Unit and unit 1.
If you do all the exercises from the workbook and the photocopies, and revise your notebook, you won’t have any problems. Work hard and probably you’ll get a very good mark.
It’s a good idea to correct all the exercises. I give you a files with the answers of all the exercises.

Click on the FILE and you’ll download the Answer Key and if you click here you'll download  Vocabulary extension Unit 1.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Movie in original version

On Thursday the 6th of November, the groups 1º B and 2º B are going to watch a film at COC in San Roque neighbourhood. The film is Frankenweenie  by Tim Burton the director of the successful film “Chocolate Factory”. I hope all of us will have a good time and enjoy the film. 
There is a file/ document which the students will have to complete about the movie and also say if they like it or not. 

Download the file by clicking on it.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Sowing Life

The activity consisted of two parts: The first students met the great plant biodiversity of the urban park of Tres Arroyos and their practical usefulness to humans.
The second part will be performed at the star activity, reforestation of typical Mediterranean forest trees, holm oak (Quercus ilex), pine (Pinus pinea) and cork oak (Quercus suber), thus contributing both to the rejuvenation of our pasture, and the environmental awareness of the students.
As you can see by the pictures we had a great day.

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014


Where does this tradition? Discover more about the Halloween fun and different customs. 
Halloween is a celebration of British culture that is celebrated on the night of October 31. 

Its origins date back to the Celts more than 2,500 years ago when the Celtic year ended at the end of summer, on 31 October our calendar (Samhain). Cattle were the meadows led to the stables for the winter. That last day, it was assumed that the spirits could come out of the graveyard and take over the bodies of the living to rise again, ask food and cursing. They were victims of spells if they did not accede to their requests: you give me something or get into mischief, which is the translation of "Trick or Treat". 

To avoid this, the Celtic villages littered houses and "decorated" with bones, skulls and other nasty stuff, so spend long dead scared. Hence the tradition of decorating houses with sinister motives in the current eve of All Saints and also costumes. It is thus a party associated with the coming of the heathen gods to life. 

Now you could look for information on the internet  about history of Halloween pumkins, Halloweens comes to America, Today's Halloween Traditions and Halloween Superstitions.
You can help looking at these websites

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Hi 2014/15!

Welcome back to school and to our blog. 
If you are a student of first year , don’t be afraid of the New School Year, if you work, there is nothing to fear. We invite you again to visit our “wonderful blog”, and hope you enjoy it.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Bye, bye Hayley

Our English assistant Hayley,  who has been with us for two years, is going to teach at another school. We wanted to say goodbye to her with an English breakfast and our colleague Mary made some delicious pancakes. Moms of  Laura Romero and Marta Borrachero also put their two cents with a cake and  great cookie lollipops. 
In the gym Hayley , who is from New Zealand, was presented by the student boys with the Haka, a Maori dance which  is often used as a sign of welcome and hospitality, but it is also performed before  sporting activities, especially rugby. The girls  danced a  traditional dance from Extremadura, "El Candil". 
This  has been our way to thank  and show her that although her country is very far, we can feel it very near.
Thank you very much!   We´ll really miss you, Hayley!

sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

We visited the two exhibitions of A Certain Science program

Last Friday we visited the two exhibitions of A Certain Science program ,  "Lessons Natural History " books and documents on the Provincial Institute located in Extremadura Library  and the Cabinet of Natural History of the Council room. 
The students enjoyed themselves, especially the peaces of the last exhibition.

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

U.D. 5 - Strengthí os dejo la Unidad Didáctica 5, que trata sobre la Fuerza: concepto, efectos, clasificación, entrenamiento, etc.
En esta Tercera Evaluación trabajaremos, a nivel teórico y práctico, la Fuerza junto con la Flexibilidad y la Resistencia.
Para bajarla pincha en la imagen adjunta y no olvides llevar siempre contigo este Notebook en todas y cada una de las sesiones de Educación Física.
También os pongo dos videos, el primero es un resumen de las cuatro capacidades físicas. Y el segundo, más abajo, un video más extenso que se adentra un poco más y de forma más específica en el concepto de la Fuerza.

Y como no podía ser de otra manera (and as it couldn´t be otherwise) terminamos con un video, en inglés, sobre la importancia de mantener una vida activa y practicar actividad física durante la juventud. Como siempre: relájate, escucha y disfruta.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

In Hornachos

Although the bus  broke down  and the departure was delayed ,  the guys are already in hornachos and as you can see by the photos, they are delighted  with the activities.


martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

¡Nos vamos de Acampada!

NATUEX PARK (haz click para ir a la web) es un Parque de Ocio  con  divertidas actividades de multiaventura, de forma individual o en grupo. El parque es un recinto totalmente cerrado y acotado perimetralmente. 
En éste espacio encontraremos abundante vegetación, con una gran cantidad de Pino Mediterráneo, una preciosa laguna alimentada por afluentes de agua de lluvia filtrada por la Sierra  y merenderos. 
Los alumnos vais a aprender inglés en un entorno natural, a través de un gran número de actividades Multiaventura y de talleres ecológicos y  manualidades. Los monitores son nativos o tienen nivel C2 escrito y hablado.
El programa de actividades lo tenéis en el enlace de abajo, y como pordéis ver es de lo más variado:

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

Homework about Basketball (2º PARTE)

Entregada la anterior actividad sobre el Baloncesto (20 word, three sentences and set of rules in Basketball), ahora toca para este próximo miércoles, 12 de marzo, la segunda parte
Entrega de un dibujo de una pista de Baloncesto, describiendo dimensiones, líneas pintadas, así como la colocación de los jugadores más importantes (cinco, claro). ¡SÓLO UNA CARA DE UN FOLIO!
Recuerda: buena presentación y colocación de las palabras en inglés tratadas y revisadas en clase. Algo bonito, como las imágenes siguientes (pero no me las copies)

¿Sabías que la Selección Española ha sido campeona del mundo una vez?

What's the difference between an elephant and a basketball?
One is big and round and charges through nets and the other is a basketball!

Participación en el V Encuentro de Secciones Bilingües

A continuación os dejo el video de nuestra participación en el V Encuentro de Secciones Bilingües que tuvo lugar la semana pasada en Villafranca de los Barros. 
Asistimos por vez primera en este acto con alumnado de Primero y Segundo de la ESO que forman parte de nuestras secciones bilingües de Inglés y Francés.
Nuestra participación fue notoria, al alzanzar varios primeros puestos en las diferentes actuaciones lúdico-teóricas, aunque lo más importante fue la toma de contacto con este evento de realización anual, así como la socialización con alumnado de otros centros.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

We saw "Brave"

Since ancient times, stories of epic battles and mystical legends have been passed through the generations across the rugged and mysterious Highlands of Scotland. In "Brave," a new tale joins the lore when the courageous Merida  confronts tradition, destiny and the fiercest of beasts. Merida is a skilled archer and impetuous daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor. Determined to carve her own path in life, Merida defies an age-old custom sacred to the uproarious lords of the land: massive Lord MacGuffin , surly Lord Macintosh  and cantankerous Lord Dingwall. Merida's actions inadvertently unleash chaos and fury in the kingdom, and when she turns to an eccentric old Wise Woman  for help, she is granted an ill-fated wish. The ensuing peril forces Merida to discover the meaning of true bravery in order to undo a beastly curse before it's too late.

domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

We were there!

How does a tree work?  How does it make humus? What is wood? Forests are the most biologically diverse terrestrial ecosystems in the world. They are an environmental reserve where the genetic heritage of billions of years of evolution preserved. Trees regulate moisture and temperature, they control the water cycle, air purifying, favor the formation of humus and protect from erosion.

From the humble earthworm, essential for the formation of humus, to the trees, undisputed protagonists of the exhibition, this tour is the best way to enjoy and understand this complex ecosystem called forest.

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Homework for Physical Education

Para el próximo miércoles 22 de enero, debéis entregar para su valoración:
  • la Ficha correspondiente a las pruebas físicas: consiste en rellenarla con las mediciones que habéis realizado durante los dos días de pruebas físicas´. La calificación de las mismas estarán el lunes disponibles en el gimnasio, así que en cualquier recreo podréis acercaros para apuntar vuestros resultados.
  • Revisión del cuaderno de trabajo: deberán estar completas hasta la página 16 y la mitad superior de la página 18. (la página 17 no)
No olvidéis que es obligatorio asistir todos los días de Educación Física con vuestro Notebook.

Physical Tests in 1º ESO la presente unidad didáctica (D.U. 3) hemos estado trabajando sobre la importancia de tener una vida activa (active lifestyle) para asegurarnos una serie de beneficios físicos y psicológicos en nuestro cuerpo.
En la siguiente Unidad Didáctica trabajaremos el conocimiento de las CFB (Capacidades Físicas Básicas: fuerza, resistencia, velocidad y flexibilidad)
En la siguiente ficha deberás rellenar los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes pruebas físicas realizadas durante nuestras clases.
Éstas serán el punto de partida para aprender a realizar y mejorar nuestra condición física.

Recuerda añadir esta ficha a tu Notebook (que formará parte de nuestra UD 4)

Asimismo os dejos un interesante comentario en relación a un artículo escrito en el New York Times denominado "Gym Class Isn’t Just Fun and Games Anymore"

"I am so inspired by this article. Physical education today is very different from when I attended school. I am glad to learn that the days of being picked last, waiting on long lines, not having enough equipment, and dodgeball are being taken out of physical education programs.

Physical education is evolving and I am elated (=very cheerful) that PE is catering it's curriculum toward all children. Shouldn't physical education class be about providing students with different opportunities to become more physically active? Less than one percent of students will become professional athletes so PE programs need to reach the remaining 99 percent of students. Teaching students to set their own fitness goals and learn how to exercise in their target heart rate are strategies for PE classes.

Professional development is important for all teachers including physical education. Let's support physical education and make it a CORE subject just like math, science and language arts.

More PE in schools please!!!"